
LivePod is the ultimate platfrom for anyone looking to start their own live podcast without the need for a pre-existing audience. Within this app, users can easily create and host their own podcasts, invite guests, and interact with listeners in real-time.



UX/UI Designer | UX Researcher



Project Type



This app was created to provide a solution to individuals that are interested in sharing their ideas, connecting with other people, and establishing an audience. This solution is designed to help both listeners and hosts enjoy podcasts more.


Within this project there were a variety of stages including: research, persona development, UX design, user testing, and UI design. Throughout all of these stages, I prioritized recording user feedback to ensure my solution met expectations and resolved all pain-points.


This project not only improved my technical design skills related to UX/UI but also helped me strengthen my UX researching skills. While developing solutions, it is important to ensure that my designs are aligning and meeting the needs of the end user.

Interested in learning more? Let’s connect!


Interested in learning more? Let’s connect!


Interested in learning more? Let’s connect!
